[00:14:21] On whether the hemp industry can be environmentally friendly:
Absolutely. Just look at the packaging problem that the legal cannabis industry has. Plastic has packages that are wrapped in plastic that have plastic packages inside. It’s like three layers of plastic packaging for something that doesn’t really need it. It should really be in hemp, plastic, and hemp paper. And even if it’s not hemp, it should just be packaged more intelligently.
So, the answer is yes, it can be. It is potentially and much easier to do things that are environmentally feasible and positive in these industries. It still requires the intention, the diligence, and the follow-through to do it the right way.
We need to be more efficient in how we utilize all of our resources, and this is a great way. One of the things I’ve said, this is not just a new industry. It’s an opportunity to conduct industry in a new way so that it sets examples that other industries can follow.
[00:28:02] On getting worldwide industry adoption of hemp:
So the answer is how do we get the consumers to be able to make those right choices? It has to be driven by economics. Yes, you have to do the right thing and it has to be economically feasible. So we have to get to the point where it’s cheaper to produce plastic straws with hemp plastic, where it’s cheaper to produce paper products with hemp paper, where it’s cheaper,[for all of these things] which already it is.

Leslie Bocskor, CEO of Indoor Harvest
It’s cheaper to produce paper products with hemp paper.
It’s more effective to produce fabrics based upon hemp [than] done on cotton, [and it required] less water, … and is easier to process in some ways. So we need to make it efficient.

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