64: The Etiquette of High Society: Sitting down with author and journalist Andrew Ward @thecannawriter – Transcript

Etiquette, 8th Revolution

Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

Listen today to hear Cannabis journalist and author, Andrew Ward talk with hosts Bryan @bryanfields24 and Kellan @kellan_finney about the world of Cannabis culture and writing.

You will also here insights about

  • Educating the Public about Cannabis
  • THC Caps and Future Legislation
  • Inspiration for his book The Art of Marijuana Etiquette
  • Professions in Cannabis

After working for a startup, Andrew Ward was trying to find a sector of the marketing and writing world he fit into and could be passionate about. He saw the newly budding cannabis industry and threw himself into the field. Now with over 500 published pieces, Andrew is a key figure in the cannabis community. You can purchase Andrew’s books on Amazon as well as other favorite retailers.

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[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: This is the dime, dive into the cannabis and hemp industry through trends, insights, predictions, and tangents.

What’s up guys. Welcome back to another episode of the dime. It’s always, I’ve got my right hand, Nan Kellen Sydney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest Andrew Ward. Author of the art of marijuana, etiquette and featured writer in all the industry’s top publications.

Andrew, thanks for taking the time.

How you doing today?

[00:00:27]Andrew Ward: Hey guys. Thanks a lot. I appreciate you having me doing real well, excited to be here.

[00:00:31]Bryan Fields: A Brooklyn base. We’re pushing the east coast really hard. Kevin, how you doing? Yeah.


[00:00:35]Kellan Finey: well, feeling feeling like the minority out here at being the only west coast guy on the show today,

[00:00:40]Andrew Ward: you got the access to nature.

So you know, a little bit about.

[00:00:43]Bryan Fields: I think to steal off a common land force. I think it’s east coast best coast, I think is what he said.

That’s the way I heard it. Okay. Before we get into it, Andrew, can you kind of give the list? There’s a little bit about your background.

[00:00:58]Andrew Ward: Yeah. So I’ve been a writer. [00:01:00] Based for about five years now.

I’m a freelance writer work with some notable publications currently include Benzinga high times business insider started writing for a new psychedelics publications coming out soon called psychedelia. I’ve also written for some of the top brands in the industry. Not going to name them just cause I don’t know if they want to be named out, but you know, some notable brands that if you’ve been in some of the major markets, especially in the west coast and some starting on the east coast have worked with them as well as some up and coming spots, advocacy groups, things like that, kind of tried to keep a diverse background in the space graduate in 2008, with a degree in creative writing and was told, I was never going to be able to use the degree because of the recession.

And I was able to use the sales and marketing jobs that I had for a few years and actually leverage it into what ended up becoming the cannabis job and. Yeah, since then, it’s really grown into a great career. It’s still pretty surreal. The art of marijuana advocates. My second book came out in 2021. I wrote my first book cannabis jobs in 2019.

So yeah, it’s all been kind of a blur and it’s really awesome to be here talking about

it. So tell us a single moment or a defining moment in your [00:02:00] life where you realized you wanted to be in the cannabis.

So, when I wanted to be in the cannabis industry was right around 2017. I probably a couple of months back, I’d been working at a startup that really didn’t pan out well it was paying well, but aside from that, it really didn’t live up to any of the expectations that I had real clear writing on the wall was that we were going to part ways, but I.

The hell with it. We’re going to ride until the wheels come off and we’re gonna, you know, do a best effort, but we’re also going to have stack the money and prepare for this freelance career that was going to be embarking on. I got laid off January of 2017 had a little bit of a nest egg. So I spent the next two months kind of trying to figure out what sectors I want it to be in.

I was kind of. Feeling it out. I hadn’t had enough time to really prep and find the industry I wanted to be in. So I ended up defaulting back into a lot of areas that I’ll read new startups, tech, things like that, really, you know, nothing wrong with them, but they just really weren’t appealing to me.

Weren’t really making me happier stimulated. It was just kind of, it was just harder to find work. And then probably around month, two and a half three, I was, you know packing a bowl like I usually do in the evening, just kind of kicking back [00:03:00] and you know, it wasn’t. But I saw an interview that I think it was Dave , who was doing it.

And basically he said something along the lines of, you know, find something that you love and find someone to pay you for it. And I was thinking, I was like, yeah, I’m trying to do that right now. And I was like, well, what do I love? And, you know, I pretty much had the bowl in my hand. And I was like, oh shit, this is an opportunity right here.

I’m sorry I curse on this, by the way. I thought I just wanted to make sure. So I was like, oh shit. Actually, it has an opportunity for it and it might actually be a little early. So I started feeling it out and I, you know, I’ve been reading a lot of the publications, you know, I think at that time it was civilized high times.

Mary Jane were kind of the go tos and a few occasional news stories here and there. I thought, you know, I could get involved in this and kind of bring over my sales and marketing experience as well as with my journalism background and kind of, you know, see what we can do with it. And that’s where it all started out.

And I started cold emailing, like a, would a business development leads. Basically it said it was like, I have two articles from when I wrote at AOL on weed. Are you willing to take a low-income shot on [00:04:00] me as a writer? And I booked my first job was a rosin press company. Out of Colorado, ended up working with them for about four years.

Yep. Yeah. Colorado Kellen shout out. They were, they were awesome. Great client. I actually wrote for cannabis publication, cannabis culture in Canada, and then the raspberries company got me introduced to pot guide, which was my first us publication in Colorado also. And it kind of took off from there.

And, you know, ever since then, it’s kind of been a whole fun journey for the last five years.

[00:04:29]Bryan Fields: Great story, especially when we’re describing with the ball in your hand, right? Like realizing like, this is, this is what I love. This is the industry. And I guess my question follow-up would be like, when you told people or shared with them that you were taking a journey and it was early, right.

From an east coast standpoint, you’re telling them you’re going to be in the cannabis industry. What were the types of looks that people are giving you when you were expressing that

[00:04:48]Andrew Ward: people thought that was a terrible idea? So it was a combination of either they thought I was going to go to jail for being a drug dealer.

Somehow even now I explained it was writing and it’s nothing related to it. Other people thought it was just another step in, you [00:05:00] know, a bad mental health just a spiral. You’ve been laid off. It’s the winter time. Are you okay? Like you’re really entering the space that has no prospects, like, or do you want to sabotage your career?

Like, it was really like, concerns about my decisions on a mental health or professional level across the board. I’ve always had a good intuition on myself. You know, I’ve made some mistakes along the way, like we all have, but you know, I also just feel like when I know something is right, I just go with it.

And I told everyone, I was like, just give me six months to a year. And I can start getting a proof of concept going. And, you know, I also told people, I was like, as much as I know, I want to get into marijuana right away. And I did, I also knew that there wasn’t gonna be enough money unless I really struck lightning, you know, right out the gate and you know, was able to do it.

And I wasn’t. So it probably took about two years before that. So I was really working in a couple of different spaces. So I’ve worked in, you know, HR. Tack, you know, staffing those sort of areas, more traditional fields. And I think that started to make people realize that this is actually a business plan.

And by year three, when it finally accelerated, they’re like, okay, well, we’ll stop criticizing

[00:05:58]Bryan Fields: you like in the [00:06:00] beginning. And they’re like, that seems like a crazy idea. Now. They’re like, yeah, we knew it was going to be great from the beginning edge

[00:06:05]Andrew Ward: cannabis.

[00:06:05]Bryan Fields: It’s an emerging

[00:06:06]Andrew Ward: market. Yeah, I’m, I’m sure we’re not too far away from people being like, I was the one who told you to get into the cannabis industry.

It was like, yeah, sure. Okay, cool. Yeah.

[00:06:15]Bryan Fields: Just read receipts. None of those were actually true, but I think that’s the sign you’re onto something, right. Is when people start pushing back like you.

[00:06:22]Andrew Ward: Yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m in any time there is a setback along the way, like, you know, anytime in business freelance, anybody who’s managing their own clients.

When you lose a client, you know, you kind of go into a little bit of a spiral and trying to figure out what you do. And the w I really started to know which people in my. Tight circles. Got it. And didn’t get it when I would have my back. And so on which ones we kind of try to offer advice or how they respond.

I was dating someone at the time and she told me, he was like, well, maybe you should just go back to the office. And I was like, you know, I get where you’re coming from with that. But if you know me and my drive on this, you know, That that’s not an option for me because cannabis in the office was not something at the time really that was taken much shape outside of, you know, [00:07:00] some of the west coast states.

And, you know, just the freedom as a writer, as a creative, I’m not against going back to an office one day, but at that time there was just no way that that was making the right sense for me. So over time, you really started to see the people that kind of understood and went along for the ride and kind of understood that this.

Going to be a journey and that, you know, it’s still ongoing and you know, those are the ones now that I like to have in my corner. Yeah.

[00:07:21]Bryan Fields: And I mean, back then, I would assume we were in the first inning now we’re probably like in the bottom of the first

[00:07:27]Andrew Ward: or second year. Yeah. It’s funny though. The people that think we’re in like the seventh or eighth, it’s like, no, no, no, no, no.

We are. Nope. Not at all.

[00:07:35]Bryan Fields: Yeah. We’re still missing like major, major markets coming online and we still don’t have like any of the normal infrastructure that most businesses and industries just take for granted like banking, for instance.

[00:07:47]Andrew Ward: Absolutely. Yeah. It it’s hilarious too. Well, sadly hilarious. The way that some people like we’re going to have it all done in the next five years and we’re going to have it all regularly rabbit it all figured out.

I was like, go talk to anyone in the alcohol industry and ask how things are going on their space. You know, [00:08:00] they’re still fragmented 80 years after prohibition or 80 plus years after bro. You know, cannabis is a good chance of if we’re like, have it all figured out before we retire from the industry, then we will have done at a really quick pace.

Yeah. Which doesn’t seem like we’re really moving at that speed. So just enjoy it while we’re here.

[00:08:16]Bryan Fields: So you’ve written over 500 publications,

[00:08:19]Andrew Ward: I think. Like 700 bi-lines it’s a padded a little bit because there’s a whole tangent go on. So I won’t do it. But a lot of companies do content scraping where they’ll take the content from one partner and then put it on, on their site.

So that’ll count as a byline for you. You won’t get paid for it, but you know, they’ll use it. So that’s kind of had it up. So it’s. 500, 600 original articles. Seven, 800. By-lines now in cannabis. That’s incredible. Yeah. So

[00:08:46]Bryan Fields: I, this is my question for you. So, which topic that you’ve written about has surprised you the most.

[00:08:52]Andrew Ward: Hmm, in terms of surprise. I don’t know. I would love to say it was the most effective series that I’m doing on prisoners, because [00:09:00] I would love to be surprised about the process that those people went through or are going through. But that really actually is pretty par for the course that the system kind of screws them over and sticks it to them.

You know, I think the thing that really surprised me more than anything was the response out of COVID, you know, it was the uncertainty, what was going to happen to us? Are we going to get laid off? Are we going to see regression? And as soon as the essential status. You just saw the whole 180 on expectations.

You know, there were a few people that were maybe warmer to the idea that we were going to end up in that area. But you know, the kind of like what you’re saying, a lot of people was like, oh, I told you getting cannabis. There were a lot of people in COVID times, early on were saying, you know, we got to get out.

We got to figure out we got to pivot. What are we gonna do? And to see the response on the staffing side, the job side, you know, the industry altogether. I think that was what was really most surprising. Really pleasant surprise for sure. But I didn’t, you know, just five years ago getting into this space, I wouldn’t have thought that we would have been there by now and, you know, just to see the response we had after the panic that it momentarily set

[00:09:54]Bryan Fields: in, it was great.

Carolyn diamond. There was that a defining moment for you as well, obviously COVID was, was hard for [00:10:00] all of us. Was that something that you were surprised with? The industry’s kind of bounced.

[00:10:03]Kellan Finey: Yeah, I think it was the first time that you saw like government support for this space, like openly. Right. And there’s just been so many times being in the industry where you talk to people and you’re like, oh, I’m in the cannabis industry.

And at least from my experience, people are like, oh, so you just grow. And I’m like, no, I actually don’t even know how to grow any weed.

[00:10:24]Andrew Ward: I’ve never done

[00:10:24]Kellan Finey: that before, but just to be like, stereotype like that previous, and then to see like stage response and having it be declared essential across the west coast mainly right in the adult use states was phenomenal in my opinion.

I mean, it was just a complete 180 from. Cultural acceptance now everyone’s like, oh wow. It’s a real thing. It’s here to stay. And, and all the support was phenomenal. What was your opinion on that, Brian? Over on the, on the east coast, seeing that?

[00:10:51]Bryan Fields: Yeah, so obviously the pandemic was challenging and in the beginning I was a little more dependent on alcohol than I’d like to publicly [00:11:00] admit, but times were tough and things were really stressed out.

And, you know, at the end of the day, you know, You were leaning on things you need to lean on. And I think the defining moment for me was telling was when you sent me the care package, which really changed my perspective because I’ve had on and off love and hate with cannabis. When I’ve had some bad products were kind of sent me down my anxiety on a rabbit hole, and then you kind of send me some of the lower one to ones and.

Rejuvenated my love for the products, because I think there’s major misconception out there that like high THC is everything that everyone consumes and that everyone’s looking to just to get blitzed off their face. And for me, I didn’t like that feeling. What I love about cannabis is like the creative respect, the fun, the enjoying the ideas, like the free flowing, the energy that gives me an and that’s not for me is not the high THC.

So that was a big moment in my life to where I kind of commuting on cannabis. And it was there for me where I didn’t have to wake up in the morning after. Wow, like crushed an entire bottle of wine. Good for you, Brian, but also with a headache. So it was a tough moment.

[00:11:57]Andrew Ward: You know, I’m working with a bunch of clients and that’s really a big narrative [00:12:00] that they’re trying to get across now is that, you know, THC is important, but it’s not the only factor, you know, low dose is really great as well as, you know, the entire whole plant profile.

Really, it depends on what you’re seeking and, you know, THC is, it’s kind of like this outdated metric that we use, you know it’s just one part of the whole equation to it. Is there a big concern with the THC caps? Because you know, for people like you, one to ones are awesome, but you know, there’s medical patients that could need those high doses.

And, you know, those caps are really going to be a problem. And all they’re seeing is the reaction of, you know a recreational user quote, unquote recreational user shouldn’t have a hundred plus milligram product or something like that. But, you know, It’s a big wide spectrum and there’s a lot of education needs to come from it.

And, you know, hopefully COVID will have taught people that a little bit, I think on the, on the public side, we’re getting that. But with lawmakers, it didn’t seem to budge the needle at all.

[00:12:49]Bryan Fields: I think it’s money driven that why they’re

[00:12:51]Andrew Ward: pushing that concept money driven, but also I think fear, I think it’s a lot of it is that a lot of lawmakers don’t know anything about cannabis and they’re being told whatever [00:13:00] their lobbyists and whatever they’re.

The people in their ear are telling them. So, you know, if you told them cannabis was moldy and gave you cancer, you know, if you don’t know anything about it, and that’s what your circle saying, you’re going to believe those sort of laws, you know, someone comes in there and tells you, you know, THC is the driving force for what’s causing, you know, cannabis, intoxication and the effects of cannabis.

And we don’t have to worry about anything else. So we should cap everything at 50 to a hundred milligrams. a product It makes sense, but you know, you would also expect lawmakers to be better and actually read and understand, but yeah, that’s too high of a bar of a threshold for commercial right now, I suppose. I mean, it’s

[00:13:36]Kellan Finey: tough too, because early stages in Colorado, there was a hard time.

With like quality control on animals. Right. And you have one or two stories that came out where some recreational user, first time trying it go to dispensary, purchased an edible and then had a freak out and the cops were called and it made the headlines. Then that’s what the politicians are kind of planting their flag on.

Right. So [00:14:00] it’s, it’s challenging because you do have these two spectrums of consumers, right? You have the consumer. Uses regularly and could probably handle much higher caps. And then you have the soccer mom who you really probably don’t want to eat a hundred milligrams. Right. So, so like where’s the balance there, you know what I mean?

It’s a really hard target to hit with one with one arrow.

[00:14:23]Andrew Ward: A hundred percent and yeah, I don’t even know if you can hit it all with one arrow. You know, it’s such a large demographic of consumers needs, like you just said, you know, just those two points alone, discover one area of it. You know, one of the things I would love to see is more public education on ratios and dosing, you know, like Brian said, one-on-one is great.

But one of my favorite things, I love telling people that aren’t too aware of the cannabis space is, you know, if you’re new to cannabis, Before trying out a product is really good to have a CBD product on hand, whether it be a sublingual or a smoked product, be available or flour, because it can help offset the effects of it.

You know, I stopped short of telling people it’s essentially a [00:15:00] kill switch. Imagine, if you could get drunk and drink a glass of water and it actually would negate a lot of the effects or another drug. There really aren’t many that have that. And you know, those freak out moments. Sure. Those high dose pro like products, you know, you don’t want them to get into the hands of the soccer moms or the newcomers or people that don’t react well to it.

But if you would also educate them and said, Hey, you know, Bring a CBD pen with you and, you know, just smoke on this. If you feel the effects are too long, you know? Yeah. Maybe one or two people ended up calling the hospital still, but that will even drop down that low number of people that were reporting those.

So I think it just comes down to public education, but again, lawmakers don’t know anything about the bill for the most part. So unless it’s, you know, Blumenauer or a handful of the other ones that actually know what they’re talking about, we’re going to see what the hell they put them. But like, to

[00:15:45]Bryan Fields: kind of follow up on that, like no one kind of bats, an eye when the same soccer, mom drinks, five bottles of wine.

And then once it gets, find a car, right? Like, no, one’s like, well, we should have educated her on the fact that like, that was a bad choice decision. People are adults. And if you’re going to make adult decisions, you should [00:16:00] probably know what you’re doing in those instances. And you’re right. Like there’s this massive stigma behind it and all these other issues.

From an educational standpoint. Like, I don’t even know where we start. Right. Because we’ve done some analysis on like CBD THC, especially here on the east coast. And there’s such a, I wouldn’t say misinformed, but such a lack of understanding. The industry as a whole people byproducts and go, will it get me high?

And they’re like, what’d you buy? And he goes, I bought a CBD product from the gas station and it’s like, no, we know she shouldn’t get you high. And he’s like, someone’s like, well, I took it. And then I got high. And now you’re wondering, you’re like, was it the placebo effect? Was it type of product? Was it the person just telling themselves this there’s so many layers to this.

I guess, Andrew, where do we start from an educational standpoint?

[00:16:41]Andrew Ward: Yeah. You know, I think what you just said is so true, because I actually had a friend who did the same thing, bought CBD products from a gas station. They actually work. You know, it’s such a dice roll. You know, when you were saying now my first thought was regulation.

You actually have to have legalization regulation to have that in place because once you have that in place, then we have some uniform codes and then we can actually start setting up the street. [00:17:00] Otherwise it’s all about on the public. And, you know, there has been some great works for advocates and, you know, writers and, you know, some company is in the media space.

Like a lot of people are putting together an effort to educate folks, but we only have a certain amount of a reach. You actually have to have the government behind it. So, you know, they want to talk about how, you know, cannabis is problematic. It’s like, okay, well legalize it or decriminalize it at the very least and put together information campaigns and put together all this stuff to get out to the public and, you know, talk to them about milligrams talk with them about.

THC is just one part of the subject. You know, you’re not gonna be able to reach everyone and it’s going to be a large campaign and it’s not always going to appeal to everyone, but by putting that sort of information out there, we’ll definitely start to tackle the information gap. And, you know, maybe in a few decades the cage, we won’t have to put together these materials, you know?

I mean, if someone reminded me, what was it click it or ticket, but finally we got people to start putting their seatbelts on, you know, it’s just these small sort of things that you might not think actually work that come together. So I don’t know. You know, standardization and putting other campaigns actually could be the most effective way.

Yeah. And I think

[00:17:59]Kellan Finey:[00:18:00] decriminalization provides potentially could provide funding for a program that could certify budtenders, right? Like their CPAs, their CFAs. I know those are very drastically different certifications. Right. But providing a standard like tests that are accreditation program for the budtenders would be a game changer in the whole industry, because then any consumer that goes into a dispensary nationwide at that point, It’s going to talk to someone who at least is on the same page as someone out in California, who on the same page as someone out in New York.

And they’re all going to be communicating similar information from what’s going on with these products in terms of GHG and CBD, and then the whole entire terpene conversation as well. So I think that decriminalization legalization is the first step in building those kinds of programs from an

[00:18:46]Bryan Fields: educational state.

I, I think that was awesome. I kind of wish we can cut that out and steal that as you’re saying that I was like, dude, that’s right, perfect. You’re right. That a hundred percent has to happen. Right. There has to be like a general [00:19:00] understanding and general framework so people can kind of be licensed. I mean, I don’t know particularly, but I think there’s one for like, if you’re a bartender, you take some sort of like test as well.

To kind of accredit yourself towards this understanding and you’re right. Like it’s only a matter of time and some company likely will do something like that and probably come a really successful.

[00:19:18]Andrew Ward: Yeah. You’re starting to see some companies, you know, get into the space of trying to make cannabis yeas and some stuff like that.

So they’re kind of dancing in their periphery. So it kind of, I can see like a serve safe, kind of like what you’re saying, become one of the first things, how to handle cannabis and then branching into more of a deeper education sort of thing. It only makes sense. You know, it’s a product so readily used by the public and it is a medical and recreational product.

So you might as well get the informed folks behind it and only make sense. I think

[00:19:43]Bryan Fields: that’s the most exciting part for me personally. And thinking about the cannabis industry is that. Essentially cannabis will operate. Like all of the other industries they’ll have all the same type of like certifications and testings and steps and steps.

And here we are in the infancy and talking about like, oh, this has it. And this industry and this emergency, and we know someone’s going to [00:20:00] come out in the near future grade this, and it’s just the, as if you’re an entrepreneur, like this is the most exciting time to be in a space like cannabis, where you can really lay the groundwork to build something that can have lasting right.

[00:20:12]Andrew Ward: Yeah, this is you know, a generational opportunity. I don’t think we’ve seen something like this since the.com bubble. And I think this is going to obviously have a lot more strengthened security behind it and that I can’t really recall much else in a long time since then. So yeah, it’s a really great time to get into the industry and, you know, just learn and get in.

[00:20:29]Bryan Fields: So let’s kind of switch gears here. The art of marijuana etiquette, sophisticated guide. Yeah. Yeah. Where’d the inspiration

[00:20:37]Andrew Ward: come from my editor. So I tell people I have a very non traditional route that I think a lot of people think with books. And this is the case with a lot of books is you pitch, you get a literary age.

You get connected and then you get a big advance and then you write a book. That’s not what happened with me at all around year three, when people stopped criticizing me for being a cannabis writer, I think the first book really helped. [00:21:00] They this publisher, my publisher Skyhorse they’re a subsidiary of Simon and Schuster until they got bought by penguins.

How the hell that breaking water works out now, but Skyhorse reached out to me and basically said, you know, we’re looking for a book on cannabis jobs, and this is the same process with marijuana etiquette. So basically they were like, you know, we got this thought on an idea for a book. Are you interested in working with it?

And I said, yeah. And we started talking and brainstorming. With marijuana etiquette, they originally had this idea for kind of doing it more comedic, sort of, you know those Regal sort of fancy etiquette teachers from the old like 1900 days. And we worked at tone for a couple of months and day one of writing it.

I basically sat at the computer and I was like, this is going to be a terrible if I have to write this. So I contacted the editor. It was just almost like. I can either give you the advanced back and you go find another writer or you can let me write the book from the perspective of, you know, a person in the cannabis space who knows a bunch of people who has a bunch of experience.

And I can, you know, get opinions from those folks and myself and give you a book from, you know, the, on the [00:22:00] ground, in the actual community sort of thing. And thankfully they, they went with that and they let me run with it. And yeah, we got to work on it from there. Yeah, it was a fun process from there because then it was just kind of filling in the gaps, you know, thinking of all the standard rules, then the rules that I wish had been discussed really checked a lot of blog posts and other books are written on it.

Mainly Lizzie post book that had come out while our book was in production and, you know, kind of assessing and making sure that we were kind of going into an area that I thought wasn’t really going to be covered by everyone. Else’s and hopefully that was the case. Who do you

[00:22:30]Bryan Fields: intend to read the book? Or who do you think is the correct audience for as P like people who consume cannabis, people who are interested in cannabis?


[00:22:37]Andrew Ward: I think it’s a combination of two things. I think, you know, anybody who loves cannabis books and community related things it’s kind of something to snap up and have as a coffee table, book, bookshelf book, you know, kind of take it out some through it that sort of. I also think it’s really good for the more of the newcomers, the one-on-ones the, you know, the people that want to possibly get into cannabis, but might be overwhelmed by it or don’t have a community themselves for it.

So, yeah, it’s kind [00:23:00] of a fun semi serious. Also semi informative, sort of look into that. So really geared toward the amateurs, but also keeping in mind the OGs, the legacies, as well as just the people that are coming up and helping shape the industry along the way. And kind of giving a nod to all of them, but really keeping it on a simple tone that wasn’t going to get lost or anyone that didn’t really know much about the plant just yet.

[00:23:20]Bryan Fields: That’s perfectly said. And when I started kind of reading and going through it, I had an envisioned for what I thought it would be like when it says like etiquette and, and like a sophisticated guide to the highlights and kind of went in thinking it would be like that and was, was so different than I thought it was such a warm, easy read with.

Like the personality really came through on the pages and it’s fun to be. Sometimes in cannabis, you can do that where you can really body your spirit into the writing. And I think it really comes through because it’s, it is informative. And it’s funny too. Some of the cliches, you kind of dive into like puff, puff, pass.

Never like leave the circle, which I thought was really funny and I different interesting way to kind of communicate the information.

[00:23:56]Andrew Ward: Thanks. I appreciate it. Yeah. It’s, you know the way I looked at it was, you know I didn’t want to make it [00:24:00] too overwhelming. I didn’t want to make it too hard. You know, I just wanted to make it a fun read.

I kind of modified the Hemingway rule of write drunk. Edit sober, definitely wrote high yet. Semi sober. And that was kind of, you know, the first couple of rounds then, you know, we refined refine it further on, but you know, the first couple of rounds, I was chock full of grammar errors and, you know, the syntax was even clunkier than it was right now because it was really just, you know, trying to get into that spirit and try to have fun.

And basically I was trying to think. Basically, if I was smoking a joint with you guys in a room and you were asking me questions, it was kind of how I wanted to put it that way. And then from there we just refined it and, you know, shout out to my editor, Jason, he did really good. Cause every once in a while I’d be like, okay, that made no sense whatsoever.

You got to he’s like you were definitely spoken too much there or that. I also have these weird things in the book. I don’t know if people noticed that, like I tried to put in nonsense references. I worked in the R and B group T at TLC, like two or three times. And those are kind of like in non-music entertainment references to like, I think I put them in a hiking chapter at one point, you know, it was just kind of like, I’m stoned.

Let’s have fun with this. Like I [00:25:00] want, like if I’m reading a book, what kind of random bull crap is going to pop up? It’s going to make me laugh or at least like, what the hell is this person thinking. Yeah, that was kind of the tone I was going for. So I’m glad you got that. I love it. So

[00:25:10]Bryan Fields: when you were researching it, did anything kind of surprise you or, or kind of different than you originally thought based on the origin of any of these topics?

[00:25:18]Andrew Ward: You know, I’ve, I’ve been asked that a lot and, you know, I would love to say that there was, but there really wasn’t a ton. I mean, after being in, you know, just a regular consumer, I got into it a little late compared to my friends in high school, who did I got into college. So I, by the time I wrote the book, I was 33.

So I had about 15 or so years just consuming with different groups of people, you know, from. State cities, stuff like that. And then working in the industry gave it a different another layer on top of it. So really there wasn’t too much, you know, aside from maybe the international perspectives, international areas, you know, there’s so much different, you know, nuances preferences to every region.

And then there are also some in the U S but we didn’t really dive in too much into that. So it wasn’t really eye-opening when it came to topics. So the one that did kind of open my eyes was. There was a [00:26:00] real split on tipping when it came to all the illicit and the legal side, 50% of the crowd was very adamant about tipping your bud tenders, as well as your delivery folks.

And then others were saying, you know, the prices are built in that they don’t have to tip and, you know, citing other reasons and things like that. So yeah, that one I thought was really interesting. And there was no

[00:26:17]Bryan Fields: clear answer. Yeah. I’m glad you brought that up because I wanted to ask Kellen’s opinion on that since obviously out in Colorado, things are really different.

What’s your template. So Colorado is

[00:26:25]Kellan Finey: unique. It kind of builds in this whole cause of the banking situation. Right? So when you go and purchase. A product and a dispensary in Colorado, you are in essence using an ATM with your data card. Right? So not since you put it in, it looks like same old, any other commercial story, you’d buy something that right.

Put your card in and then a debit withdraw. So then the, you pay a debit fee, right? And then the stores typically have to round up to the whole list number. Right. So they, and then they give you cash back. Right? So like the whole thing is like, say you buy something for [00:27:00] $70, you’re going to end up paying like 78 or $80 for it.

So then you end up with like a $5 bill. Right. And so like in today’s day and age, I’m like, well, what am I gonna do with a $5 bill? And so then I just like forces me into this situation and they’ll have like two jars. It’s like pick one, you know, Bitcoin or Ethereum or whatever. And I’ll just like, I have to choose which one to tip.

So that’s my experience in Colorado because technically I always end up leaving with him cash. I’m just like, I’m just going to tip. So I always tip right now. It wasn’t the case always on like California, Washington. When I lived out there, it was a different experience. So we’ll see what New York, how it is in New York.

If they get the baking stuff figured out before it goes full

[00:27:40]Bryan Fields: adult yet. Can you expand on like that scenario? Because I think for some people who don’t really understand exactly what you’re referring to, because like you went to a dispensary, you bought products with your money and they gave you cash back.

Can you kind of share some more? Why that, why that is? Yeah, so, I mean,

[00:27:57]Kellan Finey: it may be a little bit above my pay grade from like the [00:28:00] technical portion of it from like how the whole financial stuff moves

[00:28:03]Bryan Fields: around the IRS lessons

[00:28:04]Andrew Ward: for

[00:28:04]Bryan Fields: our conversation.

[00:28:07]Kellan Finey: In essence, your doing an ATM withdraw from like an ATM machine, right.

And for their system to process it either it’s got to be like a metric glitch or has to do with how cause the ATM company is separate from the dispensary company. Right. So then you’re paying the ATM company $3 and then the dispensary charges, the ATM company X amount, right from like a balance sheet perspective.

And then they re they have to round up for whatever reason. So then they’re charging. The other company is 75. You’re only buying $70 worth of products. You get $2 back in cash. Right. And then the ATM company gets their $3 fee. Right. So that’s kind of the best way that I understand it. There’s probably someone who’s a lot

[00:28:54]Andrew Ward: more educated.

Can I, can I just jump in real quick guys, if anybody’s listening [00:29:00] after hearing calendar, Can you please call your lawmakers and ask them to pass banking, at least regulations for cannabis because this convoluted mess would stop if we actually had some federal regulations,

[00:29:10]Bryan Fields: right? Yes. Yeah. I think that’s perfectly said, because I think like that scenario you described is so shocking to people, right?

When I went to Vegas to plan it it was, and I bought all these products. I was so excited and as we’re finishing the transaction, he’s like, I have to round up, but you’ll get cash. And I was like, sure, whatever that means through it. I’m just so excited to buy these products. And he needs me back $8 and I’m thinking to myself, I was like, I gave you a credit card.

You’re giving me cash back. I was like, am I toxic? Like, what is

[00:29:41]Andrew Ward: this stuff? Right?

[00:29:42]Bryan Fields: He’s like, well, we round it up. And then we had to do this and. This is very confusing. And I got after. I’m like, what the hell is going on here? And I think that’s the part that’s like so surprising is because people are like, well, it’s illegal industry in the shore, but something like this is a hurdle and just makes it harder.

[00:29:59]Andrew Ward: It’s also [00:30:00] a billion dollar industry and immediately one of the top producers in the world for the American market. And it’s like, you’d think at least they’d come around on the banking. Right? There’s criminal reform. The one I care about. And the Mo I think that the most of the industry should care about, but banking is essential.

And the fact of the matter is it’s a billion dollar industry and a closet, illegal space. That’s going to become federally legalized. Like, why the hell have we at least not gotten our stuff together and at least filmed some fix to at least get that through while we remedy everything. Yeah.

[00:30:29]Bryan Fields: That one seems like an easiest one, right?

At least it

[00:30:31]Andrew Ward: should be in mind. It would be a win-win for both parties and maybe that’s why they don’t want to do it because they don’t want to make each other look good. I don’t know. The two party system is a whole mess for me in, in and of itself. And cannabis regulations is snagged up in it, just like everything else right now, even the IRS

[00:30:47]Kellan Finey: is complaining too, because they’re really receiving so much cash from these companies.

And they’re like, we don’t have money counters. Like this is the 21st century. Like everyone pays electronically. Like, what are you doing? Bringing me a [00:31:00] briefcase. They’re like,

[00:31:00]Andrew Ward: I’m paying my tax. We all need to collectively just roll up to Congress with the IRS and everyone just like, can we get something done here, guys?

Like, can you leave until the next couple of hundred of you figured now? I don’t know. Obviously it’s not going to happen, but like, it just seems like such a common sense thing that at this point, Yeah, we’re still here. We’ll we’ll get there. It’ll be fixed soon. But yeah, when I don’t know what it’s going to be like in New York, I almost could expect to see them like selling water with like cannabis as a gift and like large donation tip jars is the actual cash.

It’s not like we’ll find a way around it to make an easier process because new Yorkers don’t have time, but stuff.

[00:31:34]Bryan Fields: No, I’m the idea of it being moved back is just kind of, it’s just a daunting thought because like we’ve already passed it. Everyone’s like, okay, great. When can I get the products? And it’s like, not for six months.

Maybe not

[00:31:44]Andrew Ward: for longer. Yeah. Meanwhile, Arizona, it takes five months and they can get off the ground and then they’re doing

[00:31:49]Bryan Fields: well. I, I wonder, like from an east coast standpoint, it’ll tend with all the recent kind of cluster states passing it once that first one kind of figures it out and goes, this is the date.

I bet you, everyone gets their act together [00:32:00] really, really fast because if not, you’re just going to see money transfer. Across state lines pretty quickly. Absolutely.

[00:32:05]Andrew Ward: Yeah. Once your neighbors start open up the market, you’re in trouble. I mean, that’s kind of surprised when New York hasn’t done already with Massachusetts, but we were talking about it before, you know, New Jersey once they do it, I don’t know what new York’s going to do because Pennsylvania is knocking on adult use and they’re killing it as a medical market too.

So it’s knowing pressure on New York and, you know, Cuomo, maybe a hole, put it through. Desperation. As you know, every time he gets into controversy, cannabis seems to get a fair piece of legislation passed. And so, I don’t know, maybe it will do that to smooth things over this time.

[00:32:34]Bryan Fields: Do you, by the time this comes out, things will be really different for

[00:32:37]Andrew Ward: him one way, or I know, I know, but he, you know,

[00:32:45]Bryan Fields: August 4th, just to clarify, it’s August

[00:32:47]Andrew Ward: 4th at this prediction. So Trump and Cuomo in my mind are very much the same. They’re New York brash kind of asshole politicians. And the fact that Biden and everyone is telling Cuomo to resign, I think will mean he’s not [00:33:00] going to resign. He’s going to dig his feet in.

I think it was going to be a mess. I hope I’m wrong, but I, Como is very, very, you know, a politician and he’s much about himself. I, my God says he’ll still be there. We might have some cannabis legislation accelerated through because of it. I don’t know. I don’t think so. At this point, to be honest with you, I think.

He’s got himself nailed to the wall. We’ll see what happens though. He’s he’s going to stick around I think, but I’ll

[00:33:24]Bryan Fields: make sure to cut that whole thing if he does go bad for him. So it’s just perfectly,

[00:33:29]Andrew Ward: oh, well here. I’m good. I’m glad he’s gone. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

[00:33:37]Bryan Fields: Perfect. So let’s let’s switch gears real quick for a quick rapid fire

[00:33:43]Andrew Ward: Q and a.

[00:33:44]Bryan Fields: Yeah, let’s do it. I’m gonna go Andrew first then calendars. Eating the Roach after a session gets you higher.

[00:33:51]Andrew Ward: I’d say true, just because it has an edible effect. I’ve never done it though.

[00:33:55]Kellan Finey: I had one of my good friends I lived with for like four years in college and he [00:34:00] ate it every single time.

And that’s what he squared by. So I’m not true.

[00:34:05]Bryan Fields: I don’t know if it makes you a higher, not they in college. They made us food Tang. And I don’t know if that’s like a real saying where you felt like, shoot it down your throat. I don’t know what that means. Hopefully it’s nothing bad. Cause I don’t know what that means.

Just thinking about it now. It’s probably bad to say that without knowing Right. Just as that’s the bad thought. But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone either. It didn’t taste good. And it was like a blonde, it got stuck in my throat. It was a terrible experience. So I would say don’t do it. If someone asks

[00:34:28]Andrew Ward: good, this flavor,

[00:34:30]Bryan Fields: best snack for hosting a cannabis get together

[00:34:32]Andrew Ward: amongst.

Oh shit is rapid-fire. I don’t know. That’s tough. I mean, I’m just going to go with my favorite and go with spicy chili Doritos. They’re not going to be the best choice for the room, but I don’t know what to give everyone and I’ll eat the shit out of it. John. I love the

[00:34:48]Bryan Fields: munchies guys like that has everything.

The spicy munchies has everything inside of it. It is the best combination bag on the planet and has the right name because that’s the way you do it. They knew their market. They knew their market and [00:35:00] they crushed it. Right. You can grab those at gas station a hundred out of a hundred times. Be happy with the people are going to be stoked.

And go the

[00:35:05]Andrew Ward: spicy version. Wait, can also though shout out to Ben and Jerry’s, cause they’re essentially the ice cream version of munchies and they’ve got me through many, a stone sessions. Yeah.

[00:35:13]Bryan Fields: That is my, my go-to now is ice cream and it is incredible. I make the homemade Sundays. It don’t do better than that.

Oh yeah.

[00:35:20]Kellan Finey: I’m picking which one I want when I’m

[00:35:21]Andrew Ward: at the store. Oh yeah, that’s a tough one. Like a three for 10 special deck.

[00:35:30]Bryan Fields: The pecking order. If you, if you roll it, you spark it true or false. Yes.

[00:35:35]Andrew Ward: That is the rule in the book. The only time that that is possibly changed is if someone else is hosting and S and the non hosts rolled it, then kind of up to you to, to decide. I would

[00:35:46]Kellan Finey: agree. And by hosting, do you mean like providing.

I would say if someone gives like, cause I’ve had, I’ve been in groups where like someone’s a much better roller, but then it doesn’t have any cannabis. And then the, another person provides all the cannabis for the [00:36:00] blind or the joint. And so then he’ll give the honors back to the individual.

[00:36:04]Andrew Ward: Yeah, I agree.

I was thinking host is the person, you know, whose roof, if it’s like the house that you’re in. But I think, I think also provider, yeah, those two kind of transcend

[00:36:14]Bryan Fields: the roller. I was told one time it’s bad luck. If the person who rolls it doesn’t smoke it. So I wonder if that’s true, but the next question I ask will definitely demonstrate it.

Not being true. New dog has a professional blunt roller in his staff. Are you aware of any other celebrities or influencers who have.

[00:36:32]Andrew Ward: Yeah, Waka Flocka did that years ago. Not really. Yeah. Waka Flocka. I think it was the first one I heard talking about that. I think that’s great. I mean, you’re rich, you smoke a lot of weed.

Edit what? A 50 to a hundred K jobs roll the joints. Like if you’re that good at it, man, shit. People are making millions off of video games. You might as well be making money off of rolling joints. So good at this point. Yeah, I’m terrible. I’m terrible at it. I buy the money. If I have enough money to pay for someone to full-time [00:37:00] role.

I would do that in a heartbeat. Yeah. I

[00:37:02]Bryan Fields: mean, that’s, that’s the way to do it. My question would be how much does someone like that get paid? Right? Like, and is that like a 24, 7 job? Or are you like an executive assistant? Because if Snoop is a club leaves at 4:00 AM and is interested in a, in a joint.

Kind of get out and

[00:37:17]Andrew Ward: network. Yeah. I don’t know if you can pre-roll them for Snoop because then the freshness goes away. So you can’t be that efficient. I actually do know. I weirdly this Waka Flocka story stuck in my head a lot, I guess since my early days that he was listing it for 50 K a year and I was like a couple of years ago.

So he’s got a little bit less notoriety. The market’s gotten bigger. I don’t know. I mean, for a Snoop joint roller, depending on the amount of time, 75, so 120 K a year could be. And this one says

[00:37:43]Bryan Fields: 60 grand for soup. That was pretty spicy. It’s pretty low. I’ve thought about at least six figures, but pretty fair,

[00:37:51]Andrew Ward: fair.

But is it on call? Like Brian was saying, like, if you’re getting calls in the middle of the night, like we need joints, we can’t pre-roll I don’t know. You know, is it a nine to five joint rolling [00:38:00] situation or. You know, I don’t know. You gotta be like, from the

[00:38:03]Bryan Fields: time or a humidor, like for like the joints, right?

Like just keep all them in there and keep them clean. I stepped Rogan came out and said something. I wrote almost fault the article and said, like, it would save him a ton of time to have someone on his team that do that because how many times he’s gone and going through some. And then he’s like, oh, it’d be perfect time to have like a joint here.

And then he has to stop and do that. He’s like, it would save me hours every single day. If I had someone on my team doing that. I wonder if that becomes a popular kind of role, like chief of staff where you’re really as cheap of role. Yeah,

[00:38:31]Andrew Ward: honestly one of the best business tips I got when I was growing, my writing business from friends was you know, when you have the money, right.

The first things you need to do is automate the processes that you don’t want to do that are going to save you time and money. And I mean, Seth Rogan, if it’s going to save him hours of the day and you know, weeks like, hell yeah, invest that money. You’re going to make that well back then, you know, someone of his caliber, it makes perfect sense to do it.

I think I would do that job for free though. Well, if he’s offering money, I’m definitely not. No for sure. All day, [00:39:00]

[00:39:00]Bryan Fields: probably the perfect situation, the way it could be way worse. Switch gears back to like the normal topics, biggest misconception in the

cannabinoid industry for you.

[00:39:11]Andrew Ward: I think we kind of touched on him a little bit already.

I think THC being the primary driver factor THC caps are a big issue. And I think the idea that, you know, things are going to get sorted out really quickly and easily, you know, even if we were to legalize in the next two to five years, which some people are predicting. It’s still going to take decades to figure out all the regulations and the hurdles and the back and forth to it all.

So I think, you know, people think that we’re in this time where things are all going to get done, and we’re going to wrap it up real soon in, in, in a way that’s true. But at the same time, like we were saying before, this is going to be going on a lot longer than we probably are all going to be operating in this space.

[00:39:48]Bryan Fields: Your experience in the cannabinoid space into one main takeaway or lesson learned pass onto the next generation, what would that.

[00:39:56]Andrew Ward: Cool man, show up, get involved previous to [00:40:00] the canvas space, being legal. The only way you could get a job was being trustworthy and showing up and introducing yourself the way I got into a lot of the space meeting advocates, as well as business folks was going to trade events, going to networking events, smoking at lounges.

You’ll go into a process to rally as you know, don’t overlook any of it, you know, get involved, go there. Even though the industry is becoming. You know, more of a mainstream commodity, a serious thing. It’s still got all those elements show up. Your resume is not going to be the only thing that’s going to carry you.

Get involved the industry, show your face, show you really care. It’s the best way to certify yourself.

[00:40:34]Bryan Fields: Really well said. Prediction time, 10 years from now, the most popular way people will consume cannabis. Is that the, a bowl blonde dab rig the capsule, a tablet, new invention. We haven’t gotten back.

Let’s see production.

[00:40:50]Andrew Ward: I think we’re going to go beverages. A lot of people are banking on beverages feeling beverages. I mean, we got psychedelic water came out, you know, I think we’re already seeing other, you know, substances [00:41:00] and compounds getting in there. A lot of people look for familiarity.

To consume. One of the early beliefs was that the elderly were going to shift towards pills. And I think that worked to a certain degree, but I think edibles really proved to be one. So yeah, my gut says beverages are probably going to be a way edibles will be a close second, but also I think flour is going to have for a very long time, it’s going to have its market share.

And I hope it doesn’t fade away more than, you know, at least a 25% of the market holds onto it and, you know, keeps on to the culture. But it’s definitely going to shift, I think, to. I agree with, with all of those

[00:41:30]Kellan Finey: statements. I mean, I see flour maintaining a significant market share for at least the next decade.

And granted, if you can still purchase flower that’s unadulterated, if it turns into most flower being consumed into as joints, and then they can start to place additives into the flower, like you saw in the tobacco industry. Right. I could totally see. Even a larger decrease in market share for flour. But I think the next big product category [00:42:00] is going to be beverages or edibles beverages.

I think probably over edibles, a little more, just because of when most people go to let loose and become inebriated. They’re familiar with drinking something to that loose and become a need created. So I see that similarity just like Andrew was saying. So I’m going to go with that. What about you, Brian?

What are you.

[00:42:20]Bryan Fields: For all the listeners out there that have listened to our podcasts for everyone knows talent, stole my stuff verbiage. I’m gonna take a different approach because this is taken. And I intentionally left that I can usually have that. The capsules, I think what you were saying about like familiarity aspect is so, so important.

And I think when people go to envision like a quote unquote, bad audio, A medical product. They’re used to taking some sort of capsule form to kind of help them relax or to suit a need. And I think that’ll be a common stay for people where they don’t really think about it. I think the flower aspect will still have its popularity, but I think [00:43:00] it’ll, it’ll push towards a different Democrat.

More of the, the true traditionalist. And I think that the older generation that is looking for kind of a one-to-one or like a multipurpose variety of cannabinoids to kind of help them with their arthritis or whatever needs. I think the capsule idea of what will help that, because I think there’ll be easier for them to get mentally past.

[00:43:19]Andrew Ward: Absolutely. Yeah, it’s that comfort, you know, it eliminates a big barrier. A lot of people don’t want to smoke, you know, if they, if they’ve never smoked before they never vaped before, but they’ve always, I everyone’s had a drink. Everyone’s had a snack, everyone’s had a pill, you know, those are the comforts.

They’re going to know it. It’s going to be a lot more comforting, but just to jump into Kellen what you were saying too. I think the big thing in New York,The One, I’m excited to see is consumption lounges. You know, one of the things we put through is a lot of licenses on consumption lounges. And like you said, people are getting, letting loose on beverages and things like that.

I’m really interested to see the intersection of how many consumption lounges end up replicating looking like bars. So the consumption lounge space is so wide open that we’re seeing so many different varieties. It almost seems like restaurants where some are almost. [00:44:00] Fast casual. Some are high brow, some are more, you know, all different across the board.

And basically and I wonder how that’s going to affect bars and how much that’s going to end up replicating bars. But yeah, it’s another reason why I think beverages are going to be the dominant force along the way. And then if you know, CVS Rite aid and all of them end up getting into cannabis, like a lot of people think then I think pills will end up becoming very close by.

[00:44:19]Bryan Fields: You think that guide bars will be able to serve both. If they can get those licenses.

[00:44:24]Andrew Ward: I think eventually I think bars are going to eventually want it because they are going to see a lot of the district decrease into their consumers as time goes on. I mean, look, I love Buddhists. I love being drunk. I love the effect in the moment, you know, but you can overdo it real quick and your night can go to hell.

And the next day, we all know what a hangover feels like. And as you get older, they only get worse. We cannabis, you do sometimes feel a hangover effect where you’re tired or sluggish the next day. But you know, it’s never really all that bad. And going back to, like I was saying about CBD, you know, you can use that to offset the effects to a certain degree.

There’s different elements to it. And I think that bars eventually going to. [00:45:00] Really bad by this, you know, besides from people that really love alcohol, you know, a lot of people are going to opt for cannabis lounges and the alternatives in their varieties they have. So, yeah, I think possibly by a decade you could see bars asking to get cannabis integrated into their stuff.


[00:45:14]Bryan Fields: That’s, that’s so, so important because like you were saying, like the hangover effect is such a nasty one and for alcohol to me, like, I love it also, but the next day hanging over, it makes me wonder, like, why do I, why do I do this to myself? Like I can consume all of the THC products I want and I.

Feel as awful as this, the next day. And you know, if right now you were like one choice, one product, the rest of your life to buy boost. Sorry. Goodbye.

[00:45:37]Andrew Ward: A hundred percent. I mean, every time I’ve been hung over in my thirties, I’ve reached for a bowl to help me get through it. I’ve never the next day after smoking too much pot of reach for a bottle of booze to make me feel better.

Cause he imagined, oh my God. Yeah, that’d be terrible. So yeah, I think we’re heading in that direction.

[00:45:55]Bryan Fields: So I guess for all of our listeners that want to get in touch. You know, tell us where they can [00:46:00] reach you and how

[00:46:01]Andrew Ward: they can learn more. Yeah. So I’m social media. You follow me at the Cantor writer on Instagram and Twitter.

I’m kind of kicking around on tech talk, but you know, if you want to follow a dead account, go on there right now. You can follow me on my website. I am Andrew ward.com. All my social media is have a link tree where you can find more of my stuff too. And then yeah, if you have any business pitches, articles, or you want to talk about doing anything, feel free to reach me at Andrew at I’m Andrew Ward.

And they want to go

[00:46:26]Bryan Fields: by the book. So you understand what the highlight is and be sophisticated

[00:46:30]Andrew Ward: with your experience. Yes, please. Thank you. I’m terrible at plugging my book. So thank you for doing that. Simon Schuster, Amazon. There’s a bunch of links where you can buy from other bookstores and other independent sources too. So go check it out. I appreciate all the support. Thanks for your time, Angie. Thanks a lot guys.[00:47:00]

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